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  • Nina Lee

Love is...

Love is…

Simple yet profound.

Love is gracious.

Love is not an obligation, it is a privilege.

Love is vulnerability and trust.

Love is being seen and being heard.

Love is the luxurious evolution of intimacy.

Love is not running towards one another, it is moving forward together.

Love is not closing yourself off to the world, it is opening yourself up to it.

Love does not limit or change who you are, it strengthens who you are.

Love does not cause doubts, but conviction.

Love is freedom.

Love is something that countless have written, drawn, composed about. Love is something for which masterpieces already exist in all creative forms that I would never dare try to replicate.

But all the same…. Love is what you have shown me.

With you I have learned that love is growth, that love is…


accepting idiosyncrasies and loving one another because of them,

having those tough conversations and coming out of them stronger for it.

Love is not an outburst of passion, but a passion that grows and deepens with time.

Love ages gracefully, comes to fruition gradually.

Love is not a planned end goal, but a journey traveled together.

Love is not one extreme or another, but seeking the middle way together.

Love is strength in times of uncertainty.

And it is because of the love that you have shown me, because of the tremendous growth that I have undergone while by your side, that I also know that love is staying true to your convictions and values, even if it means parting ways.

Love is gratitude…

and I am forever grateful.


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